Terms and Conditions


The structure and available content of this website, all related descriptions, programs, data, images and graphics (hereinafter collectively: content) is the intellectual property of Healthy Nutrition Laboratory and is protected by law. All labels, logos, etc. featured in this website are registered trademarks, for the use of which Healthy Nutrition Laboratory has obtained permission from their respective owners.

In consequence of the above, any and all text, images and graphics or information published on the website and any part thereof may only be used with the prior written permission of Healthy Nutrition Laboratory. No form of commercial use is permitted.

Links to the sites of HNLabs may only be placed with the prior written consent of Healthy Nutrition Laboratory. Only the entire page may be linked. It is not allowed to place a link in a way that creates the impression that the website of HNLabs Kft or the content thereof would refer to the direct or indirect content of any other website or would appear as a part thereof.

Healthy Nutrition Laboratory continuously monitors the contents of its websites and makes every reasonable effort to keep the published information up to date, however, it cannot guarantee their accuracy or completeness. Healthy Nutrition Laboratory excludes all liability for any damages arising from the inaccuracy of the information published or from technical problems. Healthy Nutrition Laboratory also excludes all liability for damages and/or losses arising from the availability, direct or indirect usage of the website or the information, documentation and other written material available on it, from the website being unusable, malfunctioning, incomplete, under maintenance or misleading.

This homepage may contain links to other websites. Healthy Nutrition Laboratory excludes all liability for the contents of such websites.

Healthy Nutrition Laboratory reserves the right to change the contents of this homepage and to limit or terminate its availability at any time. Warning: Before ordering and starting to use any product, accessory, instrument or fitness appliance, please consult your physician, pharmacist, qualified trainer, physiotherapist, dietician or other qualified professional.

Neither of our products is a replacement for a physician and adequate treatment, therefore please consult your physician, but at least your harmacist or dietician in all cases before using the products.

E-mail: info@doityourselfnutrition.com